VBC has four educational programs from which the student may choose to attain a degree or diploma:
- Diploma In Biblical Studies - Associates In Biblical Studies - Bachelors In Theology - Bachelors In Christian Missions
These programs have been designed to help meet the need of the student in their ministry and Christian life. Courses are held over a 11-week period for each quarter (class sessions are 2-1/2 hours each). Elective courses offered are those courses that are not a requirement for a particular degree program. VBC’s academic year consists of three quarters—Fall, Winter and Spring. There is not a summer session currently being offered at VBC.
Click on the program that interests you in to learn more
Counselors will provide guidance to students who are experiencing academic difficulties regarding their attendance at VBC.
Recommendations given by the counselors may include, but not be limited to, tutorial services, participation in study groups, and one-on-one sessions with instructors. Counselors will alert VBC Administrative staff when a student is in danger of failing. Such status will continue to be reported until the student is past the failing point in their studies. All matters discussed with VBC’s counselors (or Administrative Staff) is held in strict confidence. Any reports generated as a result of counseling will be maintained in the student’s file.